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Human Resource & Change Management Consultants New Zealand


Remuneration and Job Evaluation Consultants

Remuneration and reward philosophies are changing in many organisations within New Zealand with a view of simplifying and reducing the administrative time taken. There are new ways of rewarding staff to motivate and recognise superior performance with a linkage to Performance Management. Individual job sizing or banding a speciality or job match. Knowledgeable of most forms of job evaluation and salary surveys.

Change Management Consulting New Zealand

As organisations seek to gain improvements and a competitive advantage in the way that the work is carried out, changes are necessary to systems, structures or staff. It can include re-writing job descriptions through to analysing business processes. What ever the change, it will impact on people and we can help.

Performance Management Consultancy

Establishing the right Performance Management system for your Organisation is critical. Establishing the linkage with remuneration is an important aspect, as is the need to identify and develop personal development and work plans for individuals. Simplicity is often the way forward.

Competency Development

Alignment of the employees with the direction of the organisation is important and competencies are a good way to do this. Advancement of employees from one grade to the next by attainment of competencies is used by some organisations.

Employee Relations Consultants

Employee Relations is a critical part of every organisation. The development of Individual or Collective Agreements forms part of the culture of the Organisation and there are times when things don’t go smoothly. We can help.

Job Design and Job Descriptions

Changes in the way that jobs are performed can result in the need to change positions. The design of jobs is important to ensure that the work flow is improved or takes into account changes that are required. This can include development of position descriptions.

Policy Development

Most organisations have HR policies and many are looking to update or simplify existing policies. Some organisations are establishing these for the first time.

Human Resource Audits

This examines all aspects of Human Resources with a view of establishing the state of various functions and reporting and recommending improvements.


Are you interested in advancing your career or developing new skills? We provide mentoring services.

Not for Profit Organisations

Not for Profit Organisations make up a large sector in NZ. Most are reliant on funding by way of grants, trusts and donations. Many are multi-million dollar organisations employing staff while others operate on shoe-string budgets.

Not for Profit Organisations have the same people problems and issues as many large corporate organisations: e.g. remuneration, human resource policies, change management and employment issues etc. At Murray Hall & Associates we have considerable experience in dealing with Not for Profit Organisations and can help.